Integrating our Work for All Children/Tying it All Together

Session 5

2. Getting Started

This section contains greetings, a pause for participants to share their thoughts and questions, and the song "I Am the Conductor."

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2.1 | Greetings and Wonderings and Wishes (00:41)

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2.2 | Song: I Am the Conductor / Yo soy un conductor (9:01)

3. What we know and what we've learned

This section contains a review of the key elements of supporting young DLLs that make up POLL. 

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3.1 | Two is Better Than One (3:27)

Reviewing key elements

4. Review of POLL strategies

This section consists of a review of the 3 areas of focus in POLL: family, environment, and instruction and how they are used in strategic planning for early language and literacy experiences. It includes an activity in which participants share their learning and experience implementing POLL strategies.

Review of the 3 areas of focus in POLL: family, environment, and instruction

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4.1 | POLL (5:42)

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4.2 | Activity Introduction (00:14)

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4.4 | Summarize Big Ideas for Implementation of POLL (1:40)

5. Review of how we support home language

This section consists of a review of key considerations to support young children in developing, using, and maintaining home language. It includes an activity in which participants share their learning and experience with supporting home children's home language in their learning settings.

Key considerations to support young children in developing, using, and maintaining home language

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5.1 | Home Language Experiences (7:33)

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5.2 | Activity Introduction  (00:15)

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5.4 |  Summarize Big Ideas for Supporting Home Language (1:35)

6. Tying it all together

This section contains a BINGO activity that serves as a culmination of participants learning and implementation throughout the sessions.  

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6.1 | Introduce BINGO (00:42)

Let's play BINGO!

7. Planning next steps

This section consists of an activity in which participants discuss their next steps in implementing their learning from the session. Included in this section are the activity introduction, a breakout segment with participants, and a share back with the facilitator. The activity is followed by a review of key points highlighted during the activity.

Implement your learning from this session

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7.1 | Activity Introduction (00:37)

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7.4 | Launching to Do the Work (2:39)

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